What is LiFETrakker ?

LiFETrakker is a high-tech, fashionable and discreet health monitoring system. Initially conceived as a "smart" solution to detect alcohol poisoning, the concept grew to monitor a variety of health-related issues including allergies, drugs, viruses, bacteria and imbalanced hormone and glucose levels.

The microscopic LiFETrakker monitoring chip sends a signal to an accessory of your choice — a watch, ring, pendant or bracelet — so you can be alerted to potential danger. LiFETrakker also sends live updates to your phone, breaking down and displaying detailed data, allowing you to more easily monitor and lead a healthy lifestyle.

How does LiFETrakker work?

LifeTrakker consists of three main elements: a combination sensor and transmitter, a receiver, and a smart phone application.

Our patented micro-molecular sensor chip is inserted into your molar, where it continuously monitors your blood (for chemicals, hormones, enzymes, pathogens, etc.) and daily nutritional intake. The molecular sensor breaks down and identifies the chemical composition of your blood, food and drink and sends live reports and data to your smart phone’s app.

If the sensor detects any harmful or dangerous elements (allergens, dangerous glucose levels, alcohol poisoning, etc.) it instantly sends a warning signal to both your phone and jewelry alert system, allowing you to better prepare and handle any potential health threats. When your jewelry receives an alert it discreetly signals via vibration and/or a change in an LED light or even your jewelry's stone color. This allows you to maintain privacy as well as recognize the potential threat and plan accordingly.

Our alert chip can easily be removed, recharged and transferred to a variety of LifeTrakker accessories.

About US

We are four Graphic design students attending Queens College. For a class assignment we were asked to invent a unique hi-tech device. Though we area all excited by and interested in the world of technology and design we feel we wanted to create a device that would improve the world in some way.

As women we all felt passionate about the issue of rape and sexual assault. RAINN's statistics show that there are approximately 237,868 sexual assault victims every year. It is estimated that half of those cases involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, victim, or both. While the only true solution to ending rape is to raise everyone to respect all people as their equals, we have a long way to go until we reach that point. We therefor envisioned a system that would help protect potential victims safeguard themselves against sexual assailants.

With this issue as our starting point, we sought a solution that would help women better monitor not only date rape drugs such as GHB, but alcohol consumption as well. From here the idea expanded as we wondered how else we could use the molecular scanner and blood monitor system. We began to apply the same technology to a variety of health dilemmas including glucose detection for diabetics, allergens, and infectious pathogens.

As we continue to work, the list continues to grow -- as does our reach, and the ability to create a better tomorrow.